Building trust in European Ecommerce: what to do?
As everybody knows, there is by far not a single ecommerce market in Europe. There are so many differences between countries that online shopping between EU countries is still not done much. It is shocking if you know that about 57 % of the EU consumers buy something online, but only 9 % of the people has ever bought something online across his country of living. The EU also noticed that and wrote a framework to build more trust. The document is called: A coherent framework for building trust in the Digital Single Market for e-commerce and online service According to the EU commission there are five main obstacles to the digital single market, below I shortly describe them, with my own comments. 1) The supply of legal, cross border online services is still inadequate. This of course is very true. There are lot's of differences between EU countries on very simple things like the return policy, cookies, profiling and for example the mentioning of the director of a co...