List of interactive social ad's with facebook connect

A short list of some nice interactive social facebook virals. Virals where you play with brands and share brand experiences with friends. These interactive advertisements can all be played with a facebook login.

Jameson Whiskey

A real nice Facebook Viral game, I just ran into (altough it is not completely new). It is a big puzzle. A barrel of Jameson Whiskey is missing in the 1780's in Dublin and one of your friends stole it! Discover which of your friends stole the whiskey!

I really like it because this game is not only using pictures from your friends, but also works with interests, previous facebook posts and even with small games inside.
The only thing that would make it more nice, if they made they could connect choices made in the game to personal information, so a follow up campaign can be started.

Just visit the site!


Simple, low budget facebook promotion in Obermutten (population 78) results in even more facebook fans then one of the world's most famous ski resorts St Moritz. So cheap virals can work as well as expensive ones!

Lost in Val Sinestra

The first facebook interactive viral I saw, and still one of the best. Lost in Val Sinestra. A Swisscom viral.

Trip your face

Go on holiday with your facebook friends, withouth leaving your house! Advanced face recognition software  puts you in a Vanilla Ice video in Las Vegas...or see your friend's adventures in a Parisien hotel suite.
Visit and go on a virtual holiday now!

New nose?

If you have a cold, you probably want a new nose. Why don't you take a virtual one or give one of your facebook friends one? Take a look at this website

Du bist Oberstaufen

How to make a small town in Bayern popular with a lot of PR. Show possible visitors in your beautiful town.

Intel, the escape

The most sophisticated interactive social movie, I have seen so far. A complete youtube takeover brings you in a  great interactive adventure where you act as a secret agent and you have to solve puzzles and play games. Really a unique interaction. 


  1. I really like it because this game is not only using pictures click here
    from your friends, but also works with interests, previous facebook posts and even with small games inside.


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