International Digital Marketing Information April 2012
I am reading some international digital marketing information this saturday afternoon and I summarize some interesting links below. Europe is still busy thinking about the new European Cookie law . A law that will have a big impact at the online industry this and next year. A big test case will be the United Kingdom, where the law will get into force at the 26th of may. Other countries will follow later. A lot of things are still very unclear and most likely we will see a big increase of the use of pop up screens or lightboxes asking for certain cookies consent. Mr Dave Evans from the ICO gave a little more explanation and the good news is, that if you use first party analytic cookies you might be left alone, if you inform your users well. Europe is still not a single e-commerce market, so differences between countries are common. A new e-commerce lobby group called " ecommerce-europe " has started and one of their goals is to optimize Europe's e-commerce. I hop...