Crossborder e-commerce reports
Forrester released a report (paid by metapack) about the relation between delivery options and e-commerce success in France, UK and Germany. A download via my dropbox here.
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Shop the world from DHL is a great 339 (! that must have been lot's of work) page document about cross border e-commerce! A truly global ecommerce document. I hope DHL is just as good as delivering parcel's as in writing clear reports, because this one is truly nice to read and really useful in crossborder e-commerce. See country specific information and needs and see what's important in customer journey's around the world. See if German's still do not like to pay with credit card or if the French still like (a little bit) ordering by catalogue and if the Dutch use marketplaces or prefer local websites. It's all in this document.
Domain names -often forgotten- in global marketing, are an important factor for SEO and credibility. A lot is going on in the domain name industry. New top level domains are being introduced at this moment. This report from Speednames, tells you where to pay attention at in the world of global domain names.
Did you know that in Canada, Italy (?) and the Netherlands and Switzerland the percentage of e-commerce orders placed in the local language is much lower then in other countries? Besides that this presentation (so no report) gives information about global payment methods and what to use in which country. Download the presentation here
Yes, our friens at Pitney Bowes gave another presentation/webinar about global e-commerce. The PDF download itself is not so interesting as I expected. Maybe the presentation itself was. However, download here to see how pitney bowes thinks about making a profitable global e-commerce
This report from Global Web Index, gives a summary (not an extensive reports) at the most used social media networks in the world and it has a special section of social media usage in China.
A video about Global Shopping. Australians buy a lot of autoparts, luxury goods work everywhere because of brand recognition. An interview with Craig Reed (yes, Pitney Bowes again) about global shopping:
According to this report from "Postnord" about e-commerce in Scandinavia, the Norwegians are the most frequent cross border buyers with 54 percent that purchases online from abroad. But only 22 percent of the Swedes purchases from abroad. Norwegians spend 3565 SEK each quarter when buying online, that's about 384 euro's! This and much more in this Nordic e-commerce report.
And here is a 30 mb file about e-commerce in Russia.The Russian post is still underperforming, but alternative delivery providers are coming up. Cross border sales are growing dramaticaly especially from China. Russians are extremely active at the web. A comparisment with other countries is made in this report. A must read for everybody who is interested in Russian e-commerce.
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