Consumer and digital marketing trends for 2018
Hello!! It is almost 2018 and as the new year approaches, many websites publish trends for 2018. I have collected a couple of links to the most valuable consumer and marketing trends in 2018, so once you are done reading this blog post you are completely up to date and you can continue your party preparations for new year's eve! The first one I would like to share is a trendwatching video from Trendwatching describes consumer trends as " a new manifestation among people in behavior, attitude, or expectation of a fundamental human need, want or desire ." meaning that this video goes beyond short term (product) trends. To work with trends it is important to uderstand what trends are and how they are created. This video explains this as well. Besides this explanation, 5 trends are described and altough the words below might seem familiar I still encourage you to watch the video as the trends themselves are explained differently then you might think, w...