Customer journey Etihad Airlines

I recently flew with Etihad airlines to my great satisfaction, great airline and I do prefer it to the European legacy carriers. During traveling I constantly think about customer journeys, signposting, screens. Can't help it, it goes automatically. Also on this journey to from SPL to AUH to MNL, I thought of many small improvements, just I didn't store any screenshots or pictures. I decided to take pictures on my next journey with Etihad. The Etihad customer journey to Bangkok in pictures Yesterday I booked another flight, again with Etihad . Different destination, so the customer journey may change a little (for example a "fit to fly certificate" is not needed), but I decided to make screenshots of all touch points until I have reached my destination. Blogger, the platform that I use for this blog, doesn't really give the tools to really display a well plotted journey map, but I guess a few screenshots can also be interesting for people also active in the...